Perfect Pitch Ear Training Supercourse
Review of David L Burge Perfect Pitch Ear Training. The Perfect Pitch Supercourse has 8. He explains what to listen for and exercises for training your ear. Perfect Pitch Ear Training Manual. While remastering the Perfect Pitch® Ear Training SuperCourse from its original audiotape format to its new CD. 3.0 out of 5 stars - PERFECT PITCH EAR TRAINING SUPERCOURSE By David Lucas Burge Excellent Condition.
H e r e i n y o u r h a n d s y o u h a v e a h i g h l y s p e c i a l i z e d a u d i o s e r i e s t h a t w i l l g i v e y o u a u r a l t r a i n i n g a n d r e s u l t s a v a i l a b l e n o w h e r e e l s e. He re yo u wi ll le ar n re v ol ut io na ry, ti me -t es te d me th od s- di re ct ly f r o m t h e s o u r c e - a s D a v i d L u c a s B u r g e e x p l a i n s t o y o u i n m a s t e r f u l d e t a il th e a r t o f P e r f e c t P it c h e a r t r a i n in g. Y o u r c o m p le t e, st e p - b y - s te p M a s te r C l a s s e s a r e p r o v id e d o n y o u r en c lo se d C D s or au di ot a pe s. Th is ha nd bo ok se rv e s a s su p pl em en ta l m a te ri al f or yo ur re a di ng en jo ym en t. P e r f e c t P i t c h i s e a s y t o u n d e r s t a n d a n d f u n t o p r a c t i c e, y e t t h e t r a i n i n g i s a l s o v e r y s u b t l e - a r e f i n e d a r t w h i c h c a n n o t b e f u l l y g r a s p e d m e r e l y b y r e a d i n g a b o o k. W e h a v e f o u n d t h a t a s m u s i c i a n s c o n t in u e to l is te n to D a v id L u c a s, th e ir c o m p r e h e n s io n i s g r e a te r, th e ir e x p e r ie n c e s a r e c le a r e r, a n d th e ir e a r m a tu r e s f a s te r. S o h e r e, f o r t h e v e r y f i r s t t i m e, w e a r e p l e a s e d t o p r e s e n t t o y o u a b r a n d n e w, r e v is e d, a n d g r e a t ly e x p a n d e d v e r si o n o f th e.
If you can’t decipher what sounds pleasant from what sounds wrong, your music may suffer, and furthermore, you won’t even understand why. Do you want the ability to Understand and Speak the Language of Music – by EAR? With relative pitch, you can gain insights to music that you had never experience before and improve your guitar playing ability by 300%. Check out for the proven method of learning aural skills You Can Master The Art Of Perfect Pitch Too Do you want to gain the ability of naming any musical note by EAR?
You don't need one, but it would be nice to know. You need to do the exercises on your main instrument which could be a problem for some folks.
His explanations at the site are better than what I am posting here. I was able to comprehend and hear what color hearing is right off the bat. I did not have a partner and followed his instructions rigorously.
IT'S TRUE: YOU'LL ACTUALLY EXPERIENCE YOUR 'FIRST TASTE' OF YOUR OWN PERFECT PITCH - STARTING ON YOUR VERY FIRST CD. David Lucas Burge stunned the music world when he released his original Perfect Pitch method way back in 1981. He published his method in a small booklet which has since grown into his famous home study method. Back then, most musicians took it for granted that you had to be born with Perfect Pitch, and that it was a kind of musical gift. Few believed there was actually a way to develop this impressive virtuoso skill, the Holy Grail of musical talents. But Burge changed all that sort of thinking.
This is really a stellar way to learn music at a deeper level. Couldn't recommend it enough. Though I've passed the drills on this tape before, I've gotten a little rusty. Out of about 30-40 intervals played rapidly either melodically or harmonically, I got about 3-4 wrong. I had a harder time with naming the notes because of my rustiness, but all in all I'm amazed at how well this stuff has stuck in my ears over 15 years of inactivity with it. I can't wait to progress into the other levels now. A good free web site for practicing some of this stuff is.
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Burge offers two courses, relative pitch and perfect pitch. You can purchase them separately or together, I paid $200 for both. This post reviews the perfect pitch course, my review of the relative pitch course is here: The perfect pitch course is geared for anyone who wants to learn to identify by hearing and sing any named pitch without referring to an instrument. You will also be able to identify chords, notes within chords and keys of pieces more readily without referring to anything but your head. Burge is very logical, excellent at explaining things and the course is laid-out to maximize your learning.
Note: his earlier version of this course did not have much in the way of option #2 - beware if you are buying it used, you may need a partner. He explains what perfect pitch is, why it is useful, dispels many myths concerning the skill, and the various levels of perfect pitch. For example, level one is the ability to identify pitches on your native instrument, level 2 is the ability to identify pitchs on any instrument, level 3 is the ability to sing any pitch off your head. He explains what to listen for and exercises for training your ear.
W i th ti m e l e s s k n o w le d g e f o r a n e w m il le n n iu m. T h e e a r t r a i n i n g t e c h n i q u e s y o u w i l l l e a r n h e r e h a v e b e e n p r o v e n e f f e c t i v e b y t h o u s a n d s o f m u s i c i a n s a r o u n d t h e w o r l d - a s w e l l a s b y in d e p e n d e n t r e s e a r c h a t tw o le a d i n g e d u c a ti o n a l in st it u t io n s ( s e e p a g e 7 2 ).Th i s p r o g r a m is a l so b e in g u s e d a t m u s ic s c h o o ls, c o l le g e s, un iv er si ti es, an d by pr iv at e m us ic te a ch e rs e v er yw he re. In th es e P e rf ec t P it ch M as te r C la ss es, D a v id L uc as ta lk s to pe op le f ro m a ll st yl es, in st ru m en ts, an d na ti on a li ti es. W ha te v er yo ur ba ck - g r o u n d o r p r e v i o u s m u s i c a l e x p e r i e n c e, w e w e l c o m e y o u t o t h i s e x ci ti ng ne w a dv en tu re in to P er f ec t P it ch. A r e y o u r e a d y t o b e g i n?
In just a few minutes we discovered that we could indeed pick out any ‘perfect 5th’ on the keyboard. We were impressed with what we heard, so hopefully in the future we’ll post a review of the full Relative Pitch Supercourse. The first thing you’ll notice about the Perfect Pitch course is how well organized and produced it is.
It explains the value of relative pitch and how it compares with perfect pitch. It also contains some exercises which we found quite useful. In just a few minutes we discovered that we could indeed pick out any ‘perfect 5th’ on the keyboard. We were impressed with what we heard, so hopefully in the future we’ll post a review of the full Relative Pitch Supercourse. The first thing you’ll notice about the Perfect Pitch course is how well organized and produced it is. David Burge is a very good speaker and teacher, and does most of the speaking throughout the course. The exercises, which are really the key elements of the course, are clearly explained so there is no doubt or confusion as to what you should be doing.
The Perfect Pitch Supercourse has 8 CD's plus there are 2 bonus cd's for a total of 10. You do not have to be able to read standard musical notation to take the course. There is a 40 day money back guarantee. I think he tells you that you should notice a difference within a shorter time frame if you follow his instructions. The course is largely a lot of lectures at the end of which he gives you exercises. You are not to spend more than 15 minutes a day on the exercises. He provides two methodologies for learning perfect pitch: 1) with a partner - he says you will gain results faster this way 2) by yourself - may take longer but it will work.
I agree with Burge that to be totally rounded you need both. They work together.
Burge is the very first to explain progressive levels of Perfect Pitch. I particularly appreciate the comparison between Aural Recall (Burge's highest form of Perfect Pitch) and Vocal Tension Pitch (Burge's name for a pseudo kind of Perfect Pitch). Burge shows clearly how singing a note from muscle memory (Vocal Tension Pitch) is not the same -- or anywhere near as accurate -- as true pitch memory (Aural Recall).
The simple explanation is this – Perfect pitch allows you to name exact pitches while relative pitch allows you to name chords and chord progressions. The Perfect Pitch Ear Training Supercourse is published by American Educational Music Publications Inc. The program is currently in its 3rd revision in its 28 year-old history. Features Here’s what the David Lucas Burge’s Perfect Pitch Supercourse contains: • 8 Audio CDs containing 24 sessions + 3 sessions on Perfect Pitch for Children • 1 Bonus CD (Disk #1 of the David Burge’s Relative Pitch Supercourse*) • 1 80-page supplemental handbook *This bonus CD is a ‘teaser’ of Mr. Burge’s Relative Pitch training program. It explains the value of relative pitch and how it compares with perfect pitch. It also contains some exercises which we found quite useful.
This is an ability that is hard earned, as it takes years of practice. The, while not a magic spell, can take years of training and condense it into a few months. With user friendly explanations, David Lucas Burge not only helps to stress the importance of relative pitch, but also walk you through it step by step. Tests are administered throughout to help you track your progress, letting you know exactly where you stand in the world of relative pitch. With forty-one discs, this program gives you the tools necessary to achieve relative pitch.